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Adult Children of Alcoholic – a meditation. A workshop work with affirmations on drug and alcohol addictions.

The text of the following prayer comes from the video recording. 

God the Giver of Life, together with my Soul, with my whole Being, we ask You for protection for us and for all those gathered here, for all viewers.
God, we ask You to fill the whole space in which / in direction of which we are now praying. God, we ask You to add what is still needed in this prayer, show us the way to be released from all blockades, drug and alcoholic entanglements, hypnotic and trance entanglements, which we have, and which we have caused to all those who are gathered here, to all viewers.
God the Giver of Life, we ask You together with my Soul, with our whole Being to clear the chakra channel which leads from You to my heart, to remove from us, from my Soul all blockades, entanglements, hats, horns, resistances, blockages and not only them, which block our and also the viewers’ contact with You God, which block our conscious receiving and accepting all that what You give God, which block our conscious observing the reality, our conscious experiencing the reality, which You created for us and for others.
God the Giver of Life, we ask You together with my Soul, with our whole Being to free us and all the viewers from all drug and alcoholic blockades, from all hypnotic and trance blockades, from all codings which we, the viewers and all people gathered here and our Souls have got – and which were, by all reasons, coded by themselves or by others in our and all people’s gathered here: 21 chakra channels, in 12 auric bodies, in auric layers, in the wings of the Soul and their auric layers and auric bodies, in DNA and RNA strands, in all acupuncture points, in meridians, in all body organs, in all body systems, in energy circulations in matter, in our and their bodies, in speech organs, in brains, cerebellums, nervous systems and their equivalents, in our and their blood circulation system, in our and their sexual sphere, in the way we and they experience procreation, in interactions with the opposite sex, in our everyday life, in relations in professional work, in the way of earning money, and not only in that …God the Giver of Life, because these patterns can make both: people and Souls unconscious, we ask You for sobriety and consciousness for us and for everyone for the time directly after this prayer, and for the later period of time, when our and our Souls abreactions may take place.
God, we ask You to open our hearts, and hearts of all viewers, and their Souls for a sober and conscious life, for sobriety in every manifestation in our and their existence.
To You God, we commend our and all others’ patterns of incarnating into narcotic plants, such as: mushrooms, poppy, ayahuasca, ergot, cocaine and all other plants with hypnotic, narcotic meaning, as well as plants such as grapes, and others, used to produce different kinds of alcohol – we ask for freeing us and our Souls from all these patterns, and we ask for freeing all our victims from such patterns.
We apologize to all those, to whom we sold, offered, gave different drugs. (annotation: Very often it was a ruler’s characteristics that he gave others drugs or alcohol – in fact he became a dealer.) We apologize for all such our, my, my Soul’s actions, we forgive all those, who rewarded as with a dose of drugs or alcohol.
We forgive ourselves and all causers of our misfortunes: chaos in life, needless incarnations, harmful incarnations, harmful experiences in time and space, in times and halftimes, which took place because of our and these causers’ alcohol and drug abuse.
God, bless us with sobriety and consciousness, and also bless the victims of our actions. Show us the way to become free from that.
God, together with my Soul we apologize You, and we apologize the victims of our actions for idolatry, which we promoted; we thought that we were beneficiaries, but we also became victims.
God, we apologize You for worshipping various one, two or three-headed deities, multi-armed deities, for worshipping penises, vaginas, for worshipping mothers of gods, different characters who announced themselves gods and only, for promoting such behaviours, we apologize You and also the victims of our actions.
God, we ask to regain our and their consciousness. God, we ask You for total detoxification for us and and the victims of our actions, we ask You for detoxification for our Souls and our whole Beings, our energetic bodies. God, I ask you to give all of us everything what is better than all patterns of taking drugs, using drugs, drinking alcohol, succumbing to trances, hypnoses, codings. God we ask You to give us and the victims of our actions everything what you have better from that. God we also ask You for protection for us from those, who would still like to narcotize and alcoholize us, keep us unconscious, for any reasons, also for the reason to control us or to try to control us.
God, we commend to You all contracts, agreements, vows, initiations, which my Soul, me, my whole Being, and also the victims of our actions, accepted from us, and of course those which we accepted from others, and from ourselves in the form self-hypnosis, or self-coding, and also these which were imposed on us and others under the influence of drugs, when we and others were under influence of drugs, alcohols and hypnoses.
We forgive ourselves using such stimulants, we forgive all those, who promoted them, we apologize everyone for such promotion, for using it.
God, we commend to You all our visions and their drug,alcoholic and hypnotic results, which we realized, or those which haven’t been realized yet, but they are being readied for realization. We resign from them soberly and consciously.
God, we ask You to add – what else? God We ask for Your guidance for us and also for the victims of our actions, for me, for my Soul and for my whole Being, for all viewers. God, we ask You for total safety, so there will be no chaos. Please God, show the way to each of us separately: the Soul, the Being how to become free – and how they can become free – from entanglements, karmic entanglement, but also from this present incarnation’s entanglements of the Soul here and now…
Thank You.

Written by Sławomir Majda
Translated by Łukasz Szczęk [email protected]

Opublikowano: 13/09/2016
Autor: s_majda


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