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They have left me… A prayer.

God please open my heart and my Soul now.
God, I’ve been left by all living gods and astral gods, because I have commended them to You, therefore You have become my only companion.
God, I’ve been left by all archangels, all astral and demonic beings, because I have commended them to You, therefore You have become the only companion of my own Soul.
God, I’ve been left by all demigods, Asuras and guru because I have commended them to You, therefore You have become the only companion of my heart.
God, I’ve been left by mad people and all possessed beings, because I have commended them to You, therefore You have become my only companion.
God, I’ve been left by all my soldiers, all my commanders, all my chiefs, because I have commended them to You, therefore You have become my only companion.
God, I’ve been left by all manacled beings, all handcuffed beings, because I have commended them to You, therefore You have become my only companion.
God, I’ve been left by all sexual tantra deities, because I have commended them to You, therefore You have become my only companion.
God, I’ve been left by all forerunners of death, apostles of suffering, because I have commended them to You, therefore You have become the only companion of my heart.
Written by Sławomir Majda
Translated by Łukasz Szczęk [email protected]
If you spot any mistakes in the translation or if you have any comments or questions in connection with the article please contact us.
Original article: Link



Opublikowano: 12/10/2016
Autor: s_majda


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