God, I apologize for… A prayer.
While you’ll be reading these words, remember that You are carefully listened to.
God please open my heart and my Soul now.
God, I apologize You that my own Soul once ascended into the matery and into the astral worlds.
God, I apologize You that my own Soul and her earthly avatars used to delay the time and place of my full union with You on Your rules.
God, I apologize You that my own Soul and her earthly avatars used their divine powers for destruction.
God, I apologize You that my own Soul and her earthly avatars used to deprive other beings of faith in the sense of existence, of faith in the existence of God and His Love.
God, I apologize You that my own Soul and her earthly avatars blocked the pure energies of my own heart with dark, low energies and harmful vibrations.
God, I apologize You that my own Soul and her earthly avatars once lost their unbreakable belief in Your divine Love and Your divine omnipotence.
God, I apologize You that my own Soul and her earthly avatars used to worship dark powers, sources of all evil and injustice.
God, I apologize You that for many Years and incarnations You couldn’t have expressed through me in the way You wanted.
God, I apologize You that my own Soul and her earthly avatars used to succumb to other other beings, other Souls who become for us more important that God of my heart.
God, I apologize You that my own Soul and her earthly avatars used to create stupid myths, stories full of fake knowledge about God and His Love, myths and stories about different living gods.
God, I apologize You that my own Soul and her earthly avatars got lost in astral worlds and in earthly clouds, that they got lost in the cycle of their following material incarnations.
God, I apologize You that my own Soul and her earthly avatars used divine powers to possess and enslave other beings.
God, I apologize You that my own Soul and her earthly avatars looked for light in different beings instead of God or their own hearts.
God, I apologize You for myself and for all my mistakes.
God, I apologize You that my own Soul blocked in me and in herself God’s light, God’s Love and didn’t allow their free expansion.
God, I apologize You for the past and for all former incarnations in which my own Soul and her earthly avatars turned back from lightness and from You.
God, I apologize You that my own Soul and her earthly avatars rebelled against lightness and God’s Love.
God, I apologize You for the dark energies of my Soul and her avatars in the past.
God, I apologize You for creating astral worlds, astral illusions.
God, I apologize You that my Soul and her earthly avatars abandoned God’s plan.
God, I apologize You that my own Soul and her earthly avatars used to avoid God’s Love, God’s Light, joy of existence and unconditional joy.
God, I apologize You that my own Soul and her earthly avatars used to make pacts with dark beings, with Belial, with living gods.
God, I apologize You that my own Soul and her earthly avatars kept close demonic beings.
God, I apologize You that my own Soul and her earthly avatars attracted energies and vibrations of diseases and illnesses and patterns of severe entanglements.
God, I apologize You that I felt pain in my heart which was closed down tight.
Written by Sławomir Majda
Translated by Łukasz Szczęk [email protected]
If you spot any mistakes in the translation or if you have any comments or questions in connection with the article please contact us.
Original article: Link
Opublikowano: 13/10/2016
Autor: s_majda