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Guide me God on the straight path. Exercise

Consider a prayer mistake showed on a drawing. Try to not to perform an exercise in this way, but in space of energetic heart, from centre of chest send the prayer towards tops directly, up to your highest chakra.

Błędy w technice modlenia się=Mistakes in technique of praying

Kanał czakrowy powyżej głowy = Chakra channel above the head

Beskuteczne kierowanie modlitwy z czakry III oka a nie poprzez kanał czakrowy = Ineffective sending of a prayer from Third Eye chakra instead of chakra channel above the head

This exercise can be perform in any position in your own room, car..etc. It is good however to work with it during stroll or walking on some solitary places. Significant also is to hear what we speak out loud. We move by around 10-20 minutes. The longer the better. Solitary places will useful if immediate work off of our feelings will be unexpected for us.
Independently from the above-mentioned responses on first walk repeat exercise at least 10 times in draught 2 months, or more often according from needs.

On the beginning as always the request to God for opening our heart and we not repeat it with remaining text.

God, guide me and my soul on the straight and easy path
Road of those whom You bestowed good deeds and mercy;
And do not lead us on road of those on which you are angry;
Nor road of those who err.

Translated by Marcin Guminiak

Opublikowano: 09/05/2010
Autor: s_majda


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