In the Book „Kahuna Magic” by Max Freedom Long (Polish edition cover is placed in the second picture ), volume 2 page 66, we can find a sentence which is the quintessence of the spirituality and Huna as well: „The first Kahunas have symbolized the Higher Self as the light”. What have other people done with this information?
The same what have done M. F. Long, Bert Hellinger, polish regressers with the blessing of astral beings, have confound clear terms like: the soul with the subconsciousness and the Lower Self, God with Spirit, the Higher Self, superconsciousness, Holy Spirit, making this way the whole knowledge unclear and not very usefull to ordinary readers. There was established hermetic environment of Huna masters and connoisseurs unavailable for the ordinary man in the street. You need to have great knowledge and perseverance to dig up the wrong, sometimes irrational concepts developed exclusively for users of only one chosen technique. Few people used to call things by their true name. They cannot do it or they look up to the ancient masters as their mediocre followers.
A common way to throw knowledge into confusion and disorder to others is to introduce their own names to indicate well-known terms. The word mother is a mother, a bread is a bread, a grass will always be a grass.
If someone named the table ,,grzęsil” and sun „rochan”, other would suggest him to get his head examined. There is a normal and valued phenomenon within the domain of the spirituality, when an innovative figure implements the information chaos.
-Gee! I don”t understand anything of his records, but I”ll call „Hallelujah”.
-Yes, he is right, because he”s named something in his own way. He is great.
-It is better and safe to praise the thinker than to admit to a lack of understanding of concepts and the whole knoledge.
Here are two quotes from the works of Polish Huna master:
1) In the first stage of prayer, Kahuna was calling on his Higher Self (the equivalent of the Christian Holy Spirit).
2) „Explain that they can still exist in their own bodies, provided that they find within the Higher Self feeling worthy of it first.”
In his book, titled „ „Rising in Love” (Die Liebe des Geistes)” Bert Hellinger calls God a „SPIRIT”. He avoids the word God like the plague. He makes the ongoing chaos and confusion using his own terminology for describing the well-known concept of God and the word God. The word Spirit is also understood by everone (so-called designatum). It is referred to a soul, ghost ( the spirit of deceased person), but never to God. It is hard to break through his valuable knowledge which is not clearly understood. His motivation to disorder informations comes from B. H”s soul and its karma, visible as his white-astral border.
Probably all of the Huna teachers have gone through the bad terminology of spirituality before. I look here through a prism of the available books and experiences with persons writing on the site „Cudowny Portal”. A lot of them get a rash hearing the word SOUL, and they try to replace it with the subconsciousness, Lower Self or Middle Self. The word Soul belongs to notions which are being fought, condemned or unspoken both on CP like in Huna. Any of the famous teachers of Huna do not write about the human soul. Nobody says about it either.
The final argument that is often given by my opponent to sweep me off my feet, is his reference to his Higher Self – let his Higher Self make a deal with my Higher Self. Try to understand it well my reader – according to the Huna interpretation, its teachers and especially its members, each of us has a personal Higher Self. This is exactly explained by J.F. Long in the quotation on page 62, in which I disagree with him. I see it totally different, showing a clear picture based on the M. F. Long”s informations.
„Kahuna Magic” by M. F. Long, page 62 (the polish edition): The Middle Self is day by day more „trustworthy” and this way a moment slowly aproches, when it can rise to the next level of consciousness and become the Higher Self. This is an idolatrous view because naming a soul the Middle Self or combining it with a personality, they suppose to become something like God (the Higher Self), or even God himself in the process of an alleged evolution af all beings our triple self (the LS, MS, HS).
There is another gem or even a pure diamond regarding the confusion in terminology and incomprehensious in Huna. The next stand from the book „Kahuna Magic”, page 62: Kahunas were very logical and wise. They understood the inability to grasp the Higher Self by the Middle Self and its way of thinking. Since we are not able to undestand the Higher Self which is after all a part of our own humanity (and that is just one level of development higher than the Middle Self), so the ability of understanding the Higher Beings or the Ultimate God is even truly unattainable.They taught that all prayers has to be first adressed to the Higher Self because it is at the opposite end of the aka thread, so we are not able to reach any Higher Beigns. However they believed that if the Higher self cannot lead us to the desired state we asked in a prayer, then at least it may at its discretion hand the prayer over to the Higher Beigns. In addition the Higher Self does not exist secluded. They have the close, friendly and loving community of Higher Selves called Poe Aumakua, which is ready for any mutual aid and is specially prepared to help its Lower Selves, a physical man and all individuals over whom the United Higher Self reigns.
My translation into Polish is following: The Higher Self is NOT a part of our own humanity. This interpretation is after all compatible with the original Huna. But it is the same bright golden Light that is to say God (see the first sentence of the article).
The ability of understanding even the Higher Self or the Ultimate God is truly unattainable. There are no higher beigns than God called the Higher Self in the original Huna. The Higher Beigns mentioned by J. F. Long are only various and not divine astral groups such as archangels, a group of violet flame, Belial group or 12 astral gods. Those beings, however, can and often have the control over the enslaved soul.
They taught all prayers must be first addressed to the Higher Self, for the simple reason, that only it is at the opposite end of the aka thread, so we are not able to attain any other Higher Beign.
That is logical – let”s look at our chakra channel over the head with its five chakras. What actually we can explain? There is only the light at the end. There are not any controlling beigns, judges, intermadiators, demigods etc.
However, they believed that if the Higher Self cannot lead us to the desired state we ask in prayer, then at least it may at its discretion hand the prayer over to the Higher Beings. We got here the information chaos, because whom would God (the Higher Self) hand our prayers over? Since when God cannot cope with received prayer? I see only in that kind of opinions the white-astral and idolatrous mental chaos with astral influences.
Moreover, the Higher Selves do not exist alone. They have the close, friendly and loving united community ready for any mutual aid. There is no such thing as the Higher Self community. There is only one light above all souls and above all personalities. Everything always and and everywhere takes place in God”s bright golden light. There is only the community of purposes created by the archangels with astral violet beings, Belial etc.
Page 66. The Polynesian word Aumakua means parent and indicates that the Higher Self accompanies the Lower Self and Middle Self through the entire life as the guide. This is true because divine light never fades, it is always and everywhere with us.
The Arhats put chaos into the Buddha”s teachings after his death. The terminology of contemporary Huna, but not the original one, puts chaos into the perfect knowledge accessibly given at one time. Under the influence of the astral, the „connoisseurs” of Huna destroyed what was set at the beginning by the brilliant discover – clairvoyant. Note that God completely disappeared in Huna as such. There is no God in it. He is not in Buddhism either. In Huna they don”t mention a soul, but they refer to the so-called subconsciousness or the Middle Self.
Write a few prayers in which you appeal to the Higher Self for the sake of your Lower Self. Try to make someone cancer free within 5 days praying this way. It doesn”t work. This is complete misinformation, where the human soul doesn”t know what you mean. But in Huna is settled that the Creator has to understand the content of the invocation perfectly and yet fulfill it. This is not possible when the prayer is gibberish. So how does it happen that cancer disappears when we pray to God for the sake of the soul and its sick personality?
Because there is placed the recipient of the prayer properly – God.
Because there is placed the victim properly – that is personality.
Because there are placed the perpetrators properly– together the personality and the soul.
The first picture shows two human souls with their two earth personalities. Behind them there is only the gold divine light or so-called the Higher Self from the original Huna. THERE IS THE ONE LIGHT FOR EVERY BEING, for all people and all souls. The light informs and supports all at the same time. It protects them everytime and everywhere.
The human souls appear to us as gender of the current earth personality or the opposite sex. Age of the soul presented at a certain time (for example the child or the eldery person), is only temporary. In a few minutes the same soul can appear as a remebered character from its other incarnation at the totally different age. The soul, which is depicted in this picture at the left hand, has the masculine personality (inkarnates as the man in the male body) and has the male pattern of energy.
The second soul at the right hand has the feminine personality (inkarnates as the woman in the female body), though she has the male pattern of energy.
Focus also on the relationship between the personality, soul and the light – God. How do you think God looks? Is he material or just the luminous energy field? The second picture shows us the cover of the book on Huna, where are depicted the Lower Self, Middle Self, Higher Self standing behind each other. There is the lack of God and his light again, which is ABOVE the trinity of the LS, MS, HS, according to Long”s book (see the first sentence of the article), and even above the whole grups of the Higher Selves.
Everything becomes easy when you call something clearly and this way it always works immediately. Nothing could be easier than the collective request addressed to God – the prayer uttered by the soul and personality which are aware of themselves.
Huna is rightly acknowledged as a highly effective trouble, disease and concern releasing. But it works mostly for few of us and Huna Master”s work isn”t so spectacular either. Followers can wait years for any results. Personally known to me Huna Master has the soul with the remnants of its own black and burned wing. I keep comming back to the basic informations about the state of soul energy seen with the naked eye. The Master tells he is on good terms with God („they almost address each other by their first name” or he treats God as his brother). These stories doesn”t matter when the black on his back shows his lasting fall and his long-term energy blockages. If he was a real Master and his results was based on the light, the light would be visible in front of him and behind him as well.
The first picture shows us the exact opposite then J. F. Long and the other teachers suggest, not mention the views of Satya Sai Baba. There is no such thing as a vertical climb up to the higher levels of consciousness of our self until we reach the divine one. The three Selves cannot become God. Personality developmenet is just a development of the earth personality. For us the ultimate possible end would be reconciliation with God or even the Enlightenment. Maybe not so spectacular as Buddha”s one, but still a life connected without conditions, the life full of forgiveness and harmony.
The soul development is only for the soul. The end of its journey on the Earth is never a death of the body nor the burial. This is the end of its one incarnation. The ultimate end of its development on the Earth is the final step into the light beyond the need to incarnate again. The soul accepts God on his terms but it will never be God. This situation is given in the picture. There is the soul and also the divine light, nothing is missing here. Being the same as the divine light, the soul would lose its individuality and become a competitor to God. Thus, after the Enlightenment of tousend of people, we would have another tousend of gods plus the main one. There are now 6.5 billion people living on Earth, that gives us 6 500 000 000 potential gods. This view is idolatrous and contrary to what clairvoyants see or even mystics, who claims they are visited by Jesus. They see Jesus soul and talk to his soul. However, nobody sees Jesus as God. The soul cannot evolve to become the same divine light. It can and should fill up itself with the light, fall within God”s will and harmonize with him. Huna is simple and effective as long as it is properly applied and understood.
Other quotes of pseudo-Huna and the way it is understood by users:
1) Sentence found on the internet from the site dedicated to energies, origin, soul and selves etc.
The Higher Self floats in the pond being a community and collectivity able to leave itself and having a right to self-determination (it decides to enter another pond). In the community of the Higher Selves, the Higher Self takes the role of the leader.
2) Our subconsciousness, by series of deep breaths, accumulates energy and imaging for example the picture of our healfy part of the body, sends it off our Father, known as the Super Consciousness placed in the seventh chakra. (polish version of Wikipedia).
Huna terminology by J. F. Long (Wikipedia):
Huna emphasizes practical living and harmony with three levels of consciousness or selves.[1] Long claimed that a low, middle, and higher self were recognized by the kahunas.[2] He called these selves the unihipili (subconscious, inner, emotional, intuitive), uhane (waking consciousness, rational) and aumakua (super-conscious, connection with the divine).
Opublikowano: 22/03/2011
Autor: s_majda