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My Eyes/A Prayer

 Please , God open my heart.
Thanks to God’s Infinite Love I always look with the Light , I always see the Light in myself and other beings. I always agree with the light , I am innocent and secure in the Light. I gladly look at the Light of other beings of other souls.
I allow others to see the Light in me, the Love in my heart, the purity of my thoughts and deeds .
My eyes accept and welcome the Light and the Love. I allow myself to touch others with my hands full of Light.
I can look at the world around me and other being and be innocent , secure and worthy.
I am free of turning my look away and looking down when someone looks at me. I am free of hiding from the sight of others.
I am free of running away from a punishing look of a living god or an astral god that I had been threatened with at home and church in my childhood. I allow myself to touch others with my hands full of Light and give others its support and the Love of my heart.
I am free of making people run , turn their look away or look down when I look at them.
I am free of staring at other beings , tuning into their energies by staring at them and sucking their energy out.
I am free of expressing my anger ,aggression, discontent, disapproval and other negative emotions with my eyes.
I am free of hurling thunderbolts with my eyes at others and piercing them with my eye sight.
I accept that my eyes are the mirrors of my soul therefore , the being inside me look at the world around it with Love for itself for me and all people .
I am free of a fear that if other beings look into my eyes they will see and learn everything, the whole truth about me and my past.
I am free of closing my eyes to God and the truth about God.

Translated Justyna Klikowska

Opublikowano: 10/08/2016
Autor: s_majda


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